About Us

“…when Christ is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is.” (1 John 3:2)
Our worship and music embrace all our senses, our emotion, and our energy. We do this for ourselves, of course. But above all, we offer our full selves like this to God because this delights God. What better life together is there?
So, we sit, kneel, stand, and genuflect. We chant, sing, speak, and listen. We might cross our bodies, hearts, and mouths. We gladly receive the opportunities for silence and tranquility that our worship brings.
Above all we listen, pray, and adore.
Nothing is mandatory or compulsory. We each participate as we each wish, how and when we each feel called. Together, in our worship, we learn to adore and to glimpse a world bigger and greater and more beautiful than seems possible.
This worship is best understood by being experienced. So come and see all this brought to life on a typical Sunday morning. Feel free to ask a priest or usher any question you wish.
Our Mission in the Community:
As an Anglo-Catholic congregation, we know Christ has sent us out to encounter him not only on the altar or in the congregation, but to encounter Christ in the people who live outside our walls, too, especially in the poorest and most troubled. “Sent out” is what the word mission means.
We pray at every celebration of the Mass for the life of the world and this is our first and last mission. We likewise take all prayer requests for any concern. People may write them on cards and put them in a
drop-box in the church, make a request to our church office online, or in any other way people would like to contact us. We will pray for those specific concerns at rosary prayer and Evening Prayer throughout the week in our Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. There, we ask Holy Mary and all the saints to pray with us for the life of the world.
Members of Grace Church are incredibly generous, giving on their own of their time, talent, and money to various charities, very often in hidden ways and sometimes at considerable cost to themselves.
Grace has given generously as a congregation to various ministries and needs over the years. Recently, Grace donated substantially to Episcopal Migration Ministries in support of Afghan refugees.
Grace parish members for years have participated in Meals and Wheels, lead AA groups, helped found Love INC, as well as sharing in board and service duties in that effective organization.
And our parish’s governing board, or vestry, is now prayerfully seeking how we might go even deeper in our service in our immediate neighborhood and town. Please pray for our ongoing discernment!
Together, our life of prayer and service for the life of the world is what our Holy Tradition calls The Works of Mercy.
How would you like to get involved in the Works of Mercy at Grace?
Please contact Deacon Paul Aparicio: 920-452-9659; PAparicio@gracesheboygan.com
or our rector, Fr William Bulson: 920-452-9659; wbulson@gracesheboygan.com